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Every Presidential Candidate Has to Get Around the Country Somehow and They’re Spending a Lot to Do it

Every Presidential Candidate Has to Get Around the Country Somehow and They’re Spending a Lot to Do it

Feb 8, 20162 min read

Not only is he currently leading in many national polls, despite his recent second place finish in the Iowa Caucus, but it should come as no surprise that Donald Trump leads the pack when it comes to expenditures on air…

Utahns Flock to Idaho for Lottery Tickets as Powerball Jackpot Soars Over $1 Billion

Utahns Flock to Idaho for Lottery Tickets as Powerball Jackpot Soars Over $1 Billion

Feb 5, 20163 min read

Powerball fever is sweeping the nation, and Utah residents who want their chance at the historic jackpot are crossing the state border to buy their tickets before Wednesday’s drawing. According to local news affiliate KUTV, the most popular destination for…

New Synthetic Cannibas Pill May Treat Sleep Apnea

New Synthetic Cannibas Pill May Treat Sleep Apnea

Feb 5, 20162 min read

There are a few options for treating sleep apnea, including new or used CPAP machines, but there’s one method of treatment that is unlike any other currently on the market. Medical professionals have developed a synthetic cannabis pill that could…

Dozens of Wal-Mart Store Closings Are Ruining Local Communities

Dozens of Wal-Mart Store Closings Are Ruining Local Communities

Feb 1, 20164 min read

The community of Fairfield, Alabama is already wondering how residents will manage to access food and healthcare products when its main grocery store closes. With the median income of Fairfield hovering around $34,400, added to the fact that 15% of residents are…

GE Releases Smartphone Capable Pizza Oven

GE Releases Smartphone Capable Pizza Oven

Feb 1, 20163 min read

General Electric has released a pizza oven that is raising eyebrows all over the internet. The GE oven, dubbed the Monogram Pizza Oven, can reach 800 degrees within half an hour and 1,200 degrees at full blast, which is enough…

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