Pet First Aid Course Being Offered by Vet University Hospital In Australia

People love their pets. It’s a simple fact of life — and one that a veterinary hospital in Australia apparently banked on when they decided to create a first aid class dedicated to teaching owners how to properly care for their pets.
According to the science and news information site ScienceWA.net.au, the Murdoch University Veterinary Hospital (MUVH) decided to start offering the first aid class in an effort to provide owners with valuable life-saving information and techniques when it comes to their furry companions.
The classes will ultimately be some combination of actual life-saving techniques and care tips to give owners the ability to identify what might be ailing their pet.
“We explain to pet owners how they can recognize early signs of illness before their pets reach a critical stage,” said Dr. Jill Griffiths of MUVH. “That allows us to treat them in a better condition which increases the chance of survival.”
The first aid course will cover everything from learning proper pet cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation (CPCR) to applying splints for broken bones and bandaging a wound that results in arterial bleeding.
One of the most common issues when it comes to taking care of human wounds is an allergic reaction to bandage adhesive and skin rash, which can develop in up to 50% of people after prolonged contact it. That’s certainly not something that most pets deal with, but such risks are helpful for people to know about when taking care of any of their loved ones.
While do-it-yourself treatment will be an important part of the classes, officials involved believe the ability to recognize potentially serious conditions before they have time to develop might be the best thing the course will offer.
“We spend a lot of time explaining how to recognize an acute or emergency problem and appropriately assess the urgency of the situation. Animals, of course, can’t tell us how much pain they’re in,” said Griffiths.
This includes things like how to thoroughly examine a pet, how to check pulse and heart rate, and how to spot other factors that indicate something is wrong.
According to Griffiths, their clinic sees at least two pet deaths a week that could have been prevented with early intervention.