After the Terrorist Attacks on Paris, Many Wonder if It’s Safe To Travel to France

The Nov. 13 attacks on Paris have left many travelers in a quandary right now: Is it better to avoid France altogether, or should vacationers still visit France as a way of supporting the country?
According to AL.com, the U.S. Embassy in Paris, France released a statement saying,We strongly urge U.S. citizens to maintain a high level of vigilance, be aware of local events, and take the appropriate steps to bolster their personal security, including limiting their movements to essential activity. U.S. citizens are encouraged to monitor media and local information sources and factor updated information into personal travel plans and activities.
Several attractions in France have been shuttered after the series of coordinated attacks in Paris, including national monuments and holiday events.
However, there is no longer any official warning from either the U.S. or the French government asking visitors to refrain from entering France. While it’s understandable that travelers would be worried about their safety, it’s worth noting that the entire country of France is perhaps more alert and more secure now than it has been in decades.
Furthermore, as CNBC reported, the Nov. 13 attacks in Paris have garnered the most media attention, but terrorist attacks occurred in Beirut and Egypt at nearly the same time.
In other words, Paris is no more likely to experience another terrorist attack than Cairo, than London, or even than New York City.
The French tourism industry will certainly be hurting after the recent events, considering that many travelers cancelled their Paris vacations during the holiday season. But too many people across the globe are determined to help Parisians rebuild their city to be deterred from visiting for long.
“Paris is no more dangerous than any other western city–possibly less so now with the increased security, particularly at tourist sites,” says Alley Bradley, Managing Director, Paris Copia. “Shortly following the atrocities that occurred in Madrid in 2004 and London in 2005, visitors swiftly returned; Paris will follow suit. The City Of Light will continue to be a top-ranked destination for tourists with its huge draws of history, culture, shopping, sight-seeing and distinctive food and wine, just to name a few.”
It is hard to imagine a world where Paris isn’t one of the best vacation spots — around 24 million people visit France just for its wine, and the slopes of the Alps accrue around 55 million ski trips each year. Nearly 10 million people visit the Louvre annually, and millions more follow the museum on social media.
Rebuilding will take time, but in the end, nous sommes tous Parisians.