Widow Forced to Pay Car Repairs That Weren’t Her Fault

Even if you’re a careful driver, other drivers might not exercise the same caution, which can ultimately lead to an accident. If you’re in an accident, several things could worry you, for instance, personal injury, automotive repair, etc.
If the accident wasn’t your fault, you have the right to sue for personal compensation for all your bills, but this isn’t as easy as it sounds. Sometimes the person at fault might get away, or their insurance provider only foots part of the bill, meaning you will need to pay out of pocket for some of your vehicle’s bills even if your call an auto mechanic to your home.
In such an instance, you should look for the best automotive repair shop; you can search for ‘cheap place to get my brakes done near me’ if it’s your brakes that have a problem. Also, confirm the repair shop is certified by the state board of automotive repair.
From this point, you can ask the repair shop questions such as how much it will cost to repair your vehicle and the duration of the repairs. Below is a case involving a woman who had to pay out-of-pocket to get repairs done on her vehicle.
When you are in a car accident, you’ll likely need to get your car repaired. And whether or not the accident is your fault, you might need to pay the bill for at least some of these repairs. In this situation, you’ll need to talk to an auto and tire service to see what needs to be done. If you depend on your car, you’ll have to ask them some questions about the auto body labor times and auto body collision repair estimate. That way you can decide beforehand if this is the shop that will best fit your needs. If not, you should do some research. Often you can find information on auto body shops on the same websites that advertise salvage viper for sale and other car information. Websites that cater to local car enthusiasts will have auto and shop information on them, as well as reviews. So you can make your decision confident that you have all the information in order to choose the shop that is best for your budget and your own personal needs.
Many car owners know the pain and frustration that comes with getting into an accident or needing car repairs. But one woman is stuck with a bill for something that wasn’t even her fault.
As Glenna Verret was driving along, a part of a tree trunk fell off of a truck that was passing her, leaving her with major car repairs needed that she cannot afford. The woman, who is in her 70s, expressed that she still can’t believe it even happened.
“It was a freak accident, and it happened so fast,” she told the Dispatch Argus in Moline, IL.
The problem now is that she is stuck footing a $2,500 bill in order to fix the damages done to her car. Her neighbor, Ray Brown, is trying to help her by creating a FundMe.com page for donations. The page is titled “Illinois Red Hatter Attacked by a Tree.”
While they wait for donations or some other kind of help, though, he also helped Verret make temporary fixes to her car in order to make it safe to drive for now. She says she lives on Social Security benefits, so she is unable to afford the permanent repairs or even full insurance to cover the damages. They hope the FundMe.com page will provide enough for those fixes.
The biggest issue is that the car repairs cost so much. Many auto repair shops place the blame for this on the manufacturers, who no longer allow them to use more generic parts when repairing cars. Instead, there are patented parts for different makes and models that must be used, with consumers footing the bill.
Brown was actually the one driving the car with Verret as a passenger when the incident happened.
“It was Sept. 22, about 3 p.m. It was a beautiful day until our car was hit by a 70-pound piece of a tree trunk.”
The pickup truck carrying the tree trunk had been going the opposite direction. Verret’s small car didn’t stand a chance as the tree rolled down the road.
“There was nothing you could do,” Brown said.
They were unable to catch up to the truck due to rush-hour traffic, but they did file a report.
“We filed an accident report about an hour later and were disappointed to find out that not one of the half dozen drivers that were behind us and the pickup bothered to take down the plate number and call it in,” Mr. Brown said.
The tree’s impact broke the car’s headlight in addition to damaging the fender and bumper.
Brown says Verret is a widow, a mother of four, a member of the Red Hat Society, and a wonderful neighbor. She has spent much of her life helping other people by taking neighbors such as Brown to doctors, stores and recycling centers. Now, they hope people will repay her for her kindness.