
Honest Reviews and Expert Shopping Guides

can you buy solar panels

Soaking Up Sun and Energy Costs: Solar Panel Systems Can Increase the Value of Your Home

Feb 24, 20153 min read

If you’ve heard all about solar, but don’t know if it’s a good option for you, do some more research. You can buy solar system for home that will allow you to get clean energy at a lower price. Many…

Why Authors Shouldn’t Rule Out the Option of Self-Publishing

Why Authors Shouldn’t Rule Out the Option of Self-Publishing

Feb 23, 20152 min read

Traditionally, authors who wanted their books to be read on a wide scale would need to have their work published by a publishing house. Those days are gone. With sales of paper books on the decline thanks to audiobooks and…

Philadelphia City Hall Floods Again

Philadelphia City Hall Floods Again

Feb 23, 20152 min read

Frozen pipes can cause a lot of problems in winter, from snapping pipes and broken water mains to flooding. The Philadelphia City Council found that out the hard way earlier this week when a pipe burst in City Hall, causing…

Principle of Last-Click Attribution Clouding Analysis of Marketing Effectiveness

Principle of Last-Click Attribution Clouding Analysis of Marketing Effectiveness

Feb 23, 20153 min read

When marketers advise businesses on how to spend their money, they look at statistics on effectiveness in order to tell businesses which marketing channels yield sales. However, one commonly used principle may be undermining the value of those statistics –…

Two Groundbreaking New Treatments Can Practically Cure Sleep Apnea

Two Groundbreaking New Treatments Can Practically Cure Sleep Apnea

Feb 23, 20152 min read

Sleep apnea is a disruptive sleep disorder that causes the airways to collapse, making it difficult to breathe during sleep. Though most cases of sleep apnea can be treated using a CPAP machine that provides continual air pressure, a few…

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