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BBB Warns Sports Fans to Be on the Lookout For Egg Bowl Ticket Scams

BBB Warns Sports Fans to Be on the Lookout For Egg Bowl Ticket Scams

Nov 11, 20143 min read

With 111th Egg Bowl just weeks away, the Better Business Bureau is warning fans who plan to attend the game to be on the lookout for ticket scams. The annual Egg Bowl, which pits the Ole Miss Rebels against the…

Does Playing the Guitar Really Make You More Attractive? New Study Says “Yes!”

Does Playing the Guitar Really Make You More Attractive? New Study Says “Yes!”

Nov 11, 20142 min read

Want to make yourself more attractive women? Buy a guitar! According to a new study reported by British news outlet The Daily Mail last week, 90% of surveyed women thought that guitars made men instantly more attractive; 25% of women…

Cyborg Cockroaches Can Now Be Used to Save Lives

Cyborg Cockroaches Can Now Be Used to Save Lives

Nov 11, 20143 min read

Cyborg cockroaches who save lives might seem like the premise of a new cartoon series — or maybe a horror film — but they’re actually the latest innovation in search and rescue technology.North Carolina State University researchers have outfitted the…

Google and Facebook Warn That Exposing Yelp Users Will Compromise Internet Free Speech

Google and Facebook Warn That Exposing Yelp Users Will Compromise Internet Free Speech

Nov 10, 20142 min read

A feud-turned-legal-battle between a carpet cleaning company and one business review site have gotten some of the internet’s biggest players — Google, Facebook, and Twitter — up in arms over the nature of anonymity on the internet and the role…

Better Sales and More Domestic Jobs in Store for the American Furniture Industry

Better Sales and More Domestic Jobs in Store for the American Furniture Industry

Nov 7, 20143 min read

For the better part of the past decade, Americans have given their consumer loyalty to the cheapest bidder, regardless of the product or service in question. The furniture industry has been no exception; foreign manufacturers that are primarily known for…

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