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Supporters, Critics Sound Off Over California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act Taking Effect in 2015

Dec 31, 20143 min read

On Jan. 1, 2015, California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act will take effect in an attempt to improve groundwater management and quality throughout the state. But for supporters and opponents of the legislation alike, the new law signals a move into…

Google Prepares to Unveil Final Model of Self-driving Car in 2015

Google Prepares to Unveil Final Model of Self-driving Car in 2015

Dec 30, 20142 min read

One of the most highly-anticipated events of the new year has been the promised release of Google’s self-driving car. The tech giant recently announced that fully functioning models of the vehicle are ready to hit the roads in California in…

How Outdoor Advertising is Becoming Increasingly Connected to Your Mobile Phone

How Outdoor Advertising is Becoming Increasingly Connected to Your Mobile Phone

Dec 30, 20142 min read

Vodafone Group has recently signed a deal with outdoor advertising behemoth JCDecaux that will allow the mobile phone carrier to install small cell technology on billboards and street furniture, in order to increase coverage for its customers. According to a…

The Latest Trend in Hair Extensions: Bedazzling Your Armpits

The Latest Trend in Hair Extensions: Bedazzling Your Armpits

Dec 30, 20143 min read

For decades, it’s been an unspoken rule among women that having visible armpit hair is uncouth and a sign of poor grooming. However, a growing number of women are taking back their armpit hair for themselves. According to a December…

Cosmetic Surgeons Report More Women Seeking Liposuction on Their Calves

Cosmetic Surgeons Report More Women Seeking Liposuction on Their Calves

Dec 29, 20142 min read

When it comes to solving perceived flaws and improving self-confidence, liposuction is a relatively common choice for women who want to get rid of excess weight and contour their bodies. Traditionally, the procedure is used on the hips, abdomen, thighs…

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