Forget the Hype About Smart Homes, Smart Buildings Are the Real Game Changer

Although disruption is usually a word reserved for the latest Silicon Valley startups that let people crowdsource pizza delivery, the global HVAC market is going through a seismic shakeup. And though it might not be as sexy as the latest smartphone-enabled startup, it’s a disruption that has wide-reaching consequences for energy use.
That’s because buildings are the single largest energy end use on the planet, consuming at least 50% of all global electricity. And in those buildings, nearly 40% of that energy use goes to the heating, cooling, and ventilation systems. Now, to meet a growing demand for more energy efficient HVAC systems (either by choice or by law), a number of new companies are racing to offer smarter HVAC systems for building owners. For instance, imagine a hotel room that could sense when guests entered or left and adjust temperature controls accordingly, thus preventing wasteful energy use.
A new market research report from Lux Research Inc. looks at these emerging trends in a report titled, “Identifying Disruption in Advanced HVAC Technologies for Commercial Buildings.”
HVAC contractors regularly perform commercial and home energy audits, looking for leaky air ducts, poor insulation, or ancient air conditioners that waste electricity. For those uninterested in green living or reducing emissions, energy efficient HVAC systems still provide a pwerful — and universal — incentive. They save money.
The Lux Research report concludes that “ongoing trends such as smart homes, green technologies, and energy-efficient systems are anticipated to present several opportunities for growth over the next seven years.”
And looking ahead, smart homes could take a backseat to smart buildings in 2016. New HVAC technology from building equipment control companies could help massive commercial buildings reduce their energy use by an order of magnitude. And as developing nations in Asia begin to increase their energy usage, more efficient HVAC systems could play a massive role in offsetting increased energy consumption.