Experts Predict That Quality Will Trump Quantity in 2015 With Social Media Marketing

When it comes to social media marketing, is there such a thing as too much social media usage?
Entrepreneur contributor and social media analyst Brett Relander thinks so, and explains in a recent article that when companies become too excited about gaining “as many followers, likes, and retweets as possible through the use of content,” the quality of the business’s content will necessarily drop.
Additionally, Relander states, internet users are becoming more aware of this marketing approach, which often comes off as phony to consumers, as they are bombarded with “more noise in the world of social media that is growing increasingly loud.”
But it seems that consumers aren’t the only ones who have noticed the increasing virtual “noise,” if analyses of 2014 marketing trends, and predictions for 2015, are any indication.
As Jayson DeMers writes for Forbes, it’s likely that businesses will be more willing to spend money on social media advertising during 2015, especially since they have easier access to software and services that analyze posting patterns. In just the first half of 2014, ad revenue on Facebook increased by about 10%, and Twitter expanded the variety of advertising plans available to businesses.
At the same time, research shows that social media users are getting pickier when it comes to content, and social media websites are giving them the filtering features to block out paid “quality content.” This leads into another trend that DeMers predicts will take over the average online marketing strategy: a greater focus on “humanizing” a business on its social media platforms.
The automated retweets and computer-generated Facebook posts that have been creating that “noise in the world of social media” aren’t just slightly annoying to internet users — it’s causing enough discontent that people are actively turning away from businesses that fail to connect with customers on a personal level, and businesses are starting to realize just how much this affects the overall brand and success.