
Honest Reviews and Expert Shopping Guides

Arson Destroys Elementary Playground

Arson Destroys Elementary Playground

Jan 21, 20152 min read

Residents of Hollister, California are upset by the loss of a local playground earlier this month. The playground at Calaveras Elementary School was completely destroyed by a fire on January 9th. Police believe that the fire was arson. The playground…

Neeo’s Thinking Remote Annihilates its Crowdfunding Goal, Will Ship in Spring

Neeo’s Thinking Remote Annihilates its Crowdfunding Goal, Will Ship in Spring

Jan 21, 20152 min read

If you’ve got too many electronic devices in your house and your remotes are piling up, it might be time to check out the remote that actually does your thinking for you.That’s what the Neeo device, which is currently dominating…

Man Wearing “I’m With Stupid” Tee Shirt Arrested by 10 Cops For Wearing “I’m With Stupid” Tee Shirt

Man Wearing “I’m With Stupid” Tee Shirt Arrested by 10 Cops For Wearing “I’m With Stupid” Tee Shirt

Jan 20, 20153 min read

Assisting someone in posting bail or experiencing an arrest yourself can be a disturbing situation. The process demands financial and legal actions as well as high patience levels. What happens after an arrest is made tonight? When the inmates’ booking…

Closing the Courts: Local County Courthouse Lobby Closed For Terrazzo Floor Maintenance

Closing the Courts: Local County Courthouse Lobby Closed For Terrazzo Floor Maintenance

Jan 20, 20153 min read

The halls of justice are always open…most of the time, anyway. A local county courthouse, however, is undergoing repairs due to a “bad batch” of terrazzo. According to the Columbia County News-Times, the Columbia County Justice Center will close off its…

A Team of Researchers Just Proved That Facebook Knows You Better Than You Know Yourself

A Team of Researchers Just Proved That Facebook Knows You Better Than You Know Yourself

Jan 20, 20153 min read

There’s an old saying that goes a little something like “you never really know someone until you live with them.” Well, it’s becoming clear that Facebook might just know you better than all your housemates, relatives, and friends combined. It…

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