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Durham Opens An Apartment Building For Homeless Veterans

Durham Opens An Apartment Building For Homeless Veterans

Nov 19, 20142 min read

One of the many challenges facing veterans in modern American society is finding safe and affordable housing. Because of this difficulty, combined with prevalent rates of mental, emotional and physical trauma, many returning servicemen and women have found themselves living…

Spike TV Announces Newest Furniture Design Competition, Hosted by Hip-Hop Mogul Common

Spike TV Announces Newest Furniture Design Competition, Hosted by Hip-Hop Mogul Common

Nov 19, 20143 min read

What happens when you take a popular hip-hop artist and a furniture designing competition, mix them together, and turn them into a reality TV show? You end up with Spike TV’s newest series, “Framework,” which premiers on January 6 and…

U.S. Mobile Payment Market Forecast Looks Bright, According to Research Firm

U.S. Mobile Payment Market Forecast Looks Bright, According to Research Firm

Nov 19, 20142 min read

Cash may no longer be king by the time 2019 rolls around. It was only a few years ago that the idea of paying for items at the checkout counter with your phones seemed like something straight out of a…

HealthCare.gov Offering ‘Window-Shopping’ Feature In Time for Second Enrollment Period

HealthCare.gov Offering ‘Window-Shopping’ Feature In Time for Second Enrollment Period

Nov 19, 20142 min read

HealthCare.gov is open for business once again, although right now you can only window-shop. A reconfigured version of the Affordable Healthcare Act’s website went live Sunday night. It has been retooled to increase user-friendliness, after last year’s notoriously rocky start,…

Domino’s Now Lets Consumers Track Their Pizza on Their Smartwatch

Domino’s Now Lets Consumers Track Their Pizza on Their Smartwatch

Nov 19, 20142 min read

What if you looked at your watch, and instead of learning that it was a quarter to seven, you saw that it was pizza o’clock? Thanks to the Domino’s Tracker smartwatch app, you now can.The app is Domino’s first foray…

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